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Vocabulary sheet

Basic Vocabulary

These are some of the words commonly used in our practice.


1: Ichi

2: Ni

3: San

4: Shi

5: Go

6: Roku

7: Shichi

8: Hachi

9: Kyu/Ku

10: Ju



Japanese term: English term

Aswatte: Sit

Budo:  Martial way

Bunkai: Analysis

Dachi: Stance

Dan: Black belt grade

Dojo: Place of the way

Gi: Uniform

Hachimaki: Headband

Hajime: Begin

Heikodachi: Parallel stance

Isshin: Whole Heart

Judo: Gentle way, Martial art (throwing)

Kai: Association

Karate: Empty hand

Kata: Form (Imaginary fight)

Kiai: Spirit shout

Kumite: Sparring

Kyu: Ranks below black belt

Megami: Female spirit, Isshin Ryu symbol

Musubidachi: Relaxed stance

Obi: Belt

Ogoshi: Hip throw

Okinawa: Birthplace of karate

Osh: Stop (Colloquial)

Osotogari: Leg sweep 

Pinan: Little kata

Rei: Bow

Ryu: Style

Seiza: Formal sitting

Sensei: Teacher

Shuto: Sword Hand

Yame: Stop 

Yoshi: Continue



English term: Japanese term

White: Shiroi

Yellow: Kiiro

Orange: Orenji

Green: Midori

Blue: Aoi

Purple: Murasaki 

Brown: Cha



Mr. Levitz, New Paltz Dojo Head Instructor

Mr. Musco, Teacher of Mr. Levitz

Mr. Jenkins, Teacher of Mr. Musco. Founder of  American Budo Kai.

Mr. Nagle, Teacher of Mr. Jenkins. First to have an Isshin Ryu dojo in the US.

Shimabuku Sensei, Founder of Isshin Ryu Karate, teacher of Mr. Nagle.

Kyan Sensei, Miyagi Sensei, Motobu Sensei: Main teachers of Shimabuku Sensei


Empty Hand Kata List

Seisan, Seiunchin, Naihanchi, Wansu, Chinto, Kusanku, Sunsu, Sanchin


List of Weapon Names

Japanese term: English translation

Bo: Six-foot staff

Jo: Four-foot staff

Escrima: Two-foot stick

Yawara: Six-inch stick

Sai: Metal trident

Tekko: Horseshoes

Tonfa: Side-handle baton

Eku: Boat Paddle

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