Date: Saturday, February 24th, 2024
Location: Lenape Elementary School, 1 Eugene L. Brown Dr, New Paltz, NY 12561
The cost of registration is $100 for participants who have not started weapons. This covers one or two of the basic events (empty hand Forms and empty hand Sparring). You will be automatically registered for both Forms and Sparring. If there is some reason you believe you cannot do one or the other, please speak with your head instructor immediately. We need to know before the registration deadline.
The cost of registration is $115 for participants who have started weapons training whether you do one, two or three weapons events (weapons Forms, padded Bo Sparring, padded Escrima sparring). If you have started weapons, you are automatically entered in to all empty hand and weapons events. If you are unable to participate in a particular empty hand or weapons event, please speak with your head instructor immediately. We need to know before the registration deadline.
You may purchase 22nd Annual Invitational Tournament t-shirts now at a preorder discount of $20. There will be a $20 spectator fee for non-participants 12 and older, payable at the door. The registration deadline is Thursday, January 18th, 2024. No late registrations will be accepted. The fee is non-refundable.
Arrival Time: Please note there are 3 different arrival times
9:00 am All Shodan/Nidan participants and Brown/Green/Junior Black Belt scorekeepers/runners
(Sandan and above and Instructors will be Friday night)
9:30 am All other adult Brown Belts, Junior Black Belts, ALL Ik Kyu’s regardless of age
12:00 pm All other participants
If you have any issues with online registration, please call or text Ms. Celina Ackerman at (518) 258-3201